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How to Make Your First Sale on Etsy in Less Than 24 Hours

Image depicting how to make money online by making your first sale on Etsy

Wondering how to make your first sale on Etsy in less than 24 hours?

Well, guess what? 

That dream can be a reality. 

With the right strategy, you can celebrate your first Etsy sale faster than you can say “cha-ching!”

Now, I know what you might be thinking: “A sale in 24 hours? Isn’t that a bit ambitious?” 

But trust me (a top 1% Etsy seller with over 45,000 sales on Etsy), with the product demand on Etsy and a strategic approach, it’s totally achievable. 

So, settle in and get ready to unlock the secrets to learning how to make your first sale on Etsy!

You’ll love: The Shockingly Simple Guide to Selling Passive Income Products on Etsy

Step 1: Pick a Product Idea (6 hours)

The first step is identifying a winning product

I like digital products because you don’t have to worry about creating or shipping a physical item. 

To get started with digital products, think about what skills, knowledge, or creative talents you possess that others would be willing to pay for. 

Here are some hot digital product ideas to spark your imagination:

  • Printables: Planners, wall art, checklists, budget templates – the possibilities are endless!
  • Editable Templates: Wedding invitations, social media graphics, business cards – offer customizable templates that save people time and effort.
  • Knitting Patterns, Sewing Patterns, or Crochet Patterns: Cater to the crafty crowd with downloadable patterns for all skill levels.

Pro Tip: Remember, niche down! Don’t try to be everything to everyone. Focus on a specific target audience and cater your digital product to their unique needs. Ideally, look for opportunities that have some demand and low competition. Find inspiration by looking on Pinterest for digital products that are already in demand.

Can’t think of ideas? Check out this free webinar. (I can’t recommend this freebie enough. It’s from the people who taught me all about Etsy, which ultimately helped me make six figures online and quit my full-time job.)

Step 2: Make The Product (6 hours)

Now that you’ve identified a winning product idea, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and bring it to life! The process will vary depending on your chosen product, but here’s a general roadmap to guide you:

Content Creation:

  • Planning and Research: For products like e-books, printables, or tutorials, spend some time planning your content. Research your topic thoroughly, create an outline, and gather any necessary resources like images or fonts. Leveraging AI can be very helpful for this stage of product development.
  • Keep it Simple: If you want to make your first sale within 24 hours, you need to create a product in just a few hours. Don’t try to create a 300-page guide; do something easy and simple with your unique spin.
  • Design and Development: Use your chosen software (like Canva, Adobe Photoshop, or writing programs) to design and develop your product. This could involve creating graphics, writing content, or recording audio/video tutorials. 
  • Quality Check: Before uploading your product, take a step back and do a thorough quality check. Ensure your content is clear, error-free, and visually appealing. Test any interactive elements to ensure they function properly.

Formatting for Download:

  • File Format: Choose a file format that’s compatible with most devices and software your target audience might use. Common formats for digital products include PDF, JPG, PNG, MP3, and MP4.
  • Compression: If your file size is large, consider compressing it to ensure easy download for customers. However, avoid sacrificing quality for file size.
  • Instructions and Read-Me Files: Include clear instructions on accessing and using your product. A separate “Read-Me” file can be helpful for installation or troubleshooting.

Remember, the key is creating a simple, high-quality digital product that creates value for your target audience. Focus on providing clear, well-designed content that solves a problem or fulfills a need. 

Step 3: Create an Awesome Product Listing (6 hours)

Now that you have your product idea, it’s time to create a killer Etsy listing that entices customers to click that “Add to Cart” button. Here’s what you need to focus on:

First, you’ll want to go through the process of setting up and creating your Etsy store (use this link for 40 free listings). Try not to get flustered; just go through the step-by-step walkthrough they provide.

  • Captivating Title: Use clear, concise language with relevant keywords to help people find your product. Remember what your customer is searching for when deciding on the title.
  • Enticing Thumbnail Image: This is your first impression, so choose a high-quality image that showcases your product in its best light. You can create this easily in Canva.
  • Compelling Description: This is where you tell your product’s story. Explain what it is, its benefits, and how it will solve a problem for your target audience. Use Chat GPT if you need help writing your product description. 
  • Detailed Keywords: Research relevant keywords that people will use to search for your product and sprinkle them throughout your listing naturally. is a great tool for this.

Step 4: Spread the Word (5 hours 59 minutes)

Once your listing is live, it’s time to generate some buzz. Here are some ways to promote your product and get it in front of potential customers:

  • Social Media Power: Use your social media platforms, such as Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook, to showcase your product and share enticing snippets of its benefits. If you don’t have an audience, see if you can partner with a social media influencer who can share your new product.
  • Run a Flash Sale or Discount: Offer a limited-time discount code to attract new customers and create a sense of urgency.
  • Join Forums and Groups where your target market hangs out: Engage in relevant forums and groups to connect with potential customers, answer questions, and build brand awareness.
  • Run Etsy Ads (Optional): While not necessary for a 24-hour sale, consider a small budget for Etsy Ads to target your ideal customer and boost your listing visibility.

The Bottom Line

By following these steps and exerting some focused effort, you can turn your dream of an Etsy sale into a reality—potentially within 24 hours! 

The world of digital products is full of possibilities, and with the right approach, you can be a part of this exciting and lucrative market.

Remember, the journey of a thousand sales starts with a single one, and who knows, yours could be just around the corner!

Still here? Check out this Blueprint for Creating a Passive Income Side Hustle

Want to learn my secret to making your first sale on Etsy and eventually making thousands a month online passively? Check out The Shockingly Simple Guide to Selling Passive Income Products on Etsy. This free, in-depth guide is a deeper blueprint for passive income that will help you learn exactly how to start a side hustle and create digital products on Etsy!

The friendly agreement

If you found value in this article about how to make your first sale on Etsy, please share it. It takes you 10 seconds, and this post took me hours to put together.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning if you decide to purchase via my links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. See my disclosure for more info.




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